Unlock your Potential with Caltech CTME and
TU Wien in the International Academy Programs Experience

Caltech's Center for Technology and Management Education (CTME) is proud to team with Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) to enhance their groundbreaking Engineering Management MBA Program with three distinct specialization tracks, powered by Caltech. These programs present a suite of TU Wien Executive MBA specializations tailored for professionals seeking to excel in technology-driven industries as they focus on supply chain management, innovation, and digital transformation.

Our experienced educators, in collaboration with TU Wien and Caltech, offer in-depth insights into cutting-edge practices, tools, and strategies from various industries, including aerospace, defense, medical products, and government agencies. Through real-world case studies, interactive exercises, and engaging discussions, participants will gain practical knowledge to implement innovative solutions and drive organizational success. These immersive, unique programs enable participants to develop the skills needed to lead through complex challenges and dynamic market conditions.

TU Wien's executive MBA participants will travel from Austria to the Caltech campus in Pasadena, California to embark on a global educational experience that will prepare them for leadership roles in high-tech industries, choosing from these three distinctive programs:

  • Supply Chain & Operations for Technology-Driven Organizations (Oct 21 - Nov 4, 2023)
  • Systems Engineering Management (Oct 8 - 21, 2023)
  • Managing Advanced Technologies: Deep Tech (Nov 5 - 18, 2023)

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Supply Chain Management for Technology Organizations

Unlock Your Supply Chain for Technology-Driven Organizations

Engage in this immersive two-week program, a collaboration between TU Wien and Caltech's Center for Technology and Management Education (CTME). This unique executive MBA program is technology-focused and designed for professionals seeking to excel in global manufacturing and operations leadership roles within industries such as aviation, electronics, chemical, hard goods, medical products, and mobility.

In this intensive 11-track course, you will explore supply chain fundamentals, leadership, and technical content through cultural presentations, lectures, tours, and interactions with Caltech researchers, industry executives, and leading companies driving advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0. Participate in role-playing scenarios, interactive case studies, group activities, and individual exercises designed to equip you with practical solutions that can be readily implemented in your career.

Delve into global supply chain orchestration, manufacturing, and distribution networks while earning credit toward your TU Wien Executive MBA degree and learning about innovation management.

Experience a Unique Blend of Perspectives

Develop critical thinking, communication skills, emotional intelligence, interpersonal dynamics, and effective leadership capabilities for high-performing teams. Your Caltech experience continues in Vienna with additional elective options to complete your concentration in supply chain management.

This specialization is unparalleled in its ability to prepare you to shape innovation, develop leading supply chain capabilities, and effectively lead influential operational professionals within your organization.

After positive completion of the program, students are able to:

  • Articulate a comprehensive framework for global supply chain management and associated operations
  • Acquire advanced leadership skills to manage teams in technology-driven supply chain environments effectively
  • Cultivate a growth mindset and adaptive behaviors to navigate the rapidly evolving supply chain management landscape
  • Understand how materials management concepts apply to planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and operational execution
  • Apply frameworks and appropriate methods for sourcing, supplier management and supplier process engineering
  • Leverage AI-enabled improvements for information security and decision-making in supply chain operations
  • Apply advanced cost management techniques, controls, and processes for collaborative planning and reporting
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of global supply chain orchestration, manufacturing, and distribution networks
  • Learn to apply new leadership behaviors and techniques to instill mindsets for high-performing global supply chain organizations
  • Gain insights into the latest materials advancements and their impact on supply chain management

Two-week program duration: October 21 - November 4, 2023
Class dates & time: M-F • 8am to 5pm PT 
(10/23 - 10/27 & 10/30 - 11/3)

Join this unparalleled program today and elevate your career!


Systems Engineering

Learn Systems Engineering Management for Large-Scale, Complex Products

Unleash your engineering potential in our two-week Systems Engineering executive MBA-level program, designed to provide business leaders practical knowledge, tools, and strategies to apply systems thinking to product development.

This immersive course focuses on current industry best practices of eliciting user needs, defining robust system architectures, and effectively verifying and validating that the products meet their functional, performance and cost requirements. Participants learn through lab experiences and lectures on autonomous systems, agility, resilience, and robotics.

This exclusive program will show participants how to transform complex product engineering and drive innovation in their organization.

Throughout the two-week course, attendees will experience a unique blend of perspectives as participants from TU Wien's visiting program at Caltech collaborate and engage in immersive learning.

After positive completion of the program, students can:

  • Explore systems thinking/systems engineering state-of-the-art and life-cycle challenges
  • Analyze stakeholder needs and develop clearly stated requirements
  • Conduct mission analysis and articulate a Concept of Operations
  • Assess the maturity of technologies and interfaces between technologies
  • Define cost-effective verification and validation strategies
  • Evolve innovative design approaches for performance and trade-offs while managing change
  • Engineer for specialized outcomes such as Design for Manufacturing, Design-to-Cost, Maintainability, and Usability
  • Effectively support overall program cost, schedule and risk management
Two-week program duration: October 8 - October 21, 2023
Class dates & time: M-F • 8am to 5pm PT
(10/9 - 10/13 & 10/16 - 10/20)

Join this unparalleled program and drive innovation in your organization!


Managing Advanced Technology & Innovation (Deep Tech)

Dive Into Deep Tech and Learn to Lead Innovation

This unique two-week program is designed to provide business leaders with the knowledge, tools, and strategies necessary to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of advanced technologies like AI, IoT, quantum, and biotech through project-based learning and interactive lab experiences. Students will learn about the frontier of innovation and how to harness new technologies for enterprise. 

While on Caltech's campus for the duration of this program, students will participate in lab visits and lectures on autonomous systems, mobility, sustainability breakthroughs, and technologies for the new space economy and earth science research.

This immersive course fosters future thinking, develops innovative business models, and leads organizational change to ensure participants can effectively manage and capitalize on technological advancements in their industries. 

Discover practical insights into leading high-performing tech teams, set strategies for competitive business models, and grow into a valued advisor for innovation.

After positive completion of the program, students are able to:

  • Explain factors driving the growth of exponential or deep tech technologies
  • Develop the ability to think critically about the long-term implications of technology adoption and create strategic forecasts to inform decision-making
  • Use foresight skills to plan long-term directions and changes for tech adoption, including scenarios of external forces
  • Articulate competitive strategies for new business models and innovation at the industry, enterprise, and operational levels
  • Develop skills in organization design, leading change, and managing transformations in technology organizations to adapt to the future of work
  • Learn to design competitive business models using systems thinking and strategic options to create new value propositions
  • Gain insights into effectively managing strategic product development, leading R&D and technical teams, and driving innovation through internal ventures, spinouts, or within collaborative networks
  • Plan a go-to-market playbook for commercializing new technologies, including customer segmentation, value propositions, and defining ability to win in the technology arenas

Two-week program duration: November 5 - 18, 2023
Class dates & time: M-F • 8am to 5pm PT
(11/6 - 11/10 & 11/13 - 11/17)

Equip yourself with skills and insights to thrive in today's dynamic world of technology and innovation.

Target a Specialization

Choose one of three compelling program concentrations with project-based learning

Start in California

Launch your TU Wien MBA experience at Caltech with lab visits, lectures, tours and local inspirations

Accelerate Your Career

Build robust, practical skills in technology and management to set yourself apart

Consectetur adipiscing elit...

Joanna C.

"Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio!"

Stanley T.

"Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi."

Danielle W.

"Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis!"